Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Select text in a Word document

When you are going to create word document, it is necessary to have the ability of selecting content of the document. In Microsoft word processor, many tasks cannot be accomplished without selecting the specific text/object. Understanding various selecting methods will help you to prepare your document comfortably. 

therefore, I am going to show you how to select text in the document with use of mouse, keyboard or both.

Using the Mouse

  • A single word - just double click on the word.
  • Multiple words - place the mouse pointer in front of the text and then drag the mouse over the words to select them and release the mouse after the selecting is done.
  • A paragraph - triple click on the paragraph. (Method I)
  • A paragraph - double click in the left margin focusing the paragraph to be selected. (Method II)
  • A single line - place the mouse pointer in the left margin focusing the line to be selected and then click.
  • Whole document - triple click on the left margin.

Using keyboard

before you use the keyboard to select specific text in the document, you have to learn some cursor movements that can be done through your keyboard.  so, try these examples.
  • press the left arrow key - to jump to the previous character.
  • press right arrow key - to jump to the next character.
  • press top (up) arrow key - to jump to the upper line.
  • press bottom (down) arrow key - to jump to the bellow line.
  • press CTRL + Left arrow key - to jump a word left.
  • press CTRL+ Right arrow key - to jump a word right.
  • press CTRL + Down arrow key - to jump to the beginning of below paragraph.
  • press CTRL + Up arrow - to jump the beginning of the upper paragraph.
  • Press HOME key to jump to the beginning of the line.
  • Press END key to jump to the line end.

if you use any of the above cursor movement methods while press and holding down the SHIFT key, text will be selected from last cursor position up to new (current) cursor position.

Using Mouse and Keyboard
  • Multiple words (random) - while holding down the CTRL key, double click each word or drag to select
  • A sentence - CTRL + Click on the sentence.
  • Whole document - at the left margin, CTRL + CLICK.

Word Tables

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