Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Text Formatting

Word provides variety of styles and colors to your text as well as visual effects like text shadow, subscripts, change case...etc.

You can do all these things in the font group under the home tab.

Font Group - Microsoft Word
Font Group - Microsoft Word

Change Font Typeface and Size

To change the font typeface
  • Click the arrow next to the font name and choose a font.
  • Remember that you can preview how the new font will look by highlighting the text, and hovering over the new font typeface. 
To change the font size
  • Click the arrow next to the font size and choose the appropriate size, or
  • Click the increase or decrease font size buttons.
Change Text Color

To change the text color
  • Select the text and click the Colors button included on the Font Group of the Ribbon
  • Select the color by clicking the down arrow next to the font color button.
Highlight Text

Highlighting text allows you to use emphasize text as you would if you had a marker.

To highlight text
  • Select the text
  • Click the Highlight Button on the Font Group of the Ribbon, or
  • Select the text and right click and select the highlight tool 
  • To change the color of the highlighter click on down arrow next to the highlight button.
Copy Formatting

If you have already formatted text the way you want it and would like another portion of the document to have the same formatting, you can copy the formatting.

To copy the formatting, do the following
  • Select the text with the formatting you want to copy.
  • Copy the format of the text selected by clicking the Format Painter button on the Clipboard group of the Home Tab
  • Apply the copied format by selecting the text and clicking on it.
Clear Formatting

To clear text formatting

  • Select the text you wish to clear the formatting
  • Click the Styles dialogue box on the Styles Group on the Home Tab
  • Click Clear All 
Formatting Paragraphs

Formatting paragraphs allows you to change the look of the overall document. You can access many of the tools of paragraph formatting by clicking the Page Layout Tab of the Ribbon or the Paragraph Group on the Home Tab of the Ribbon.

Change Paragraph Alignment

The paragraph alignment allows you to set how you want text to appear.

To change the alignment

  • Click the Home Tab
  • Choose the appropriate button for alignment on the Paragraph group.
    • Align Left: the text is aligned with your left margin
    • Center: The text is centered within your margins
    • Align Right: Aligns text with the right margin
    • Justify: Aligns text to both the left and right margins.

Indent Paragraphs

Indenting paragraphs allows you set text within a paragraph at different margins. There are several options for indenting

  • First Line: Controls the left boundary for the first line of a paragraph
  • Hanging: Controls the left boundary of every line in a paragraph except the first one
  • Left: Controls the left boundary for every line in a paragraph
  • Right: Controls the right boundary for every line in a paragraph

To indent paragraphs, you can do the following

  • Click the Indent buttons to control the indent.
  • Click the Indent button repeated times to increase the size of the indent.
  • Click the dialog box of the Paragraph Group
  • Click the Indents and Spacing Tab
  • Select your indents

Add Borders and Shading

You can add borders and shading to paragraphs and entire pages. To create a border around a paragraph or paragraphs,

  • Select the area of text where you want the border or shading.
  • Click the Borders Button on the Paragraph Group on the Home Tab
  • Choose the Border and Shading
  • Choose the appropriate options

Word Tables

6 Different ways to insert a table in Word 2016 As you know tables are very important element in word that can be used to represent and...